Maths Week 2017

Are you getting ready for Maths Week next week?

Here are some ideas for all classes:

Begin each morning with a Maths Puzzle that the children can solve throughout the day. It could be a Brain Snack card from Prim Ed or to guess which shape is part of your set. That way you can continue your Maths activities throughout the day.

Attribute Blocks:

I love using these in my class. You can explore simple problem solving with all classes using these blocks. Each shape has four attributes shape, colour, size and thickness. In Infants you will need a set card and a pack of these shapes. Pick one attribute to begin with. Have other shapes in a bag. Ask one child to take out a shape and tell the class the four attributes. If one matches your chosen attribute you can put it in your set on the card. If it doesn’t match put it outside the set. The game continues until one child or the class guess what your attribute is.

To play this game with older children choose more attributes together. Once a shapes is chosen tell the class the number of matching attributes but keep them guessing as to the shape. Further games to play with attribute blocks can be found here.

Online Puzzles:

There are lots of online sites to use. I like Math Playground. It has lots of different sections which are suitable for all classes. I like IXL which will allow free practice daily, however you need subscription to record individual students’ progress.

Linking Math and Science:

Take the Junior Classes on a nature walk and collect leaves and conkers. The children can then sort the leaves by colour and create  pictogram.

You could also look at the different coats they wear to school. Children could make their own sets and create more pictograms.

Senior Classes could design Maths Trails for the other classes. Explore the school environment with the class and identify lines, angles, shapes and colour in the school grounds.

There are lots more activities on Maths Week.

Feel free to share your Maths Week ideas.


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